Sanctuary 3x02 Firewall

Possible Cabal recruit?

Cirque de Soliel stand bys?

Huh. Heard anything about Predators??

Not a thing. There’s going to be a sequel.

They are good…

We gotta frak Reise. I’ve been meaning to watch that.

Riese looks interesting. Certainly pushing the sci-fi alumni buttons. :slight_smile:

I thought that Quaker State commercial was a Transformers trailer when I saw that green jeep.

Better than an alien anal probe, Will…

“Do you think they’re… not of this Earth?”
“Don’t be ridiculous.”

I love how Will looked to Magnus before deciding what he thot. :slight_smile:

WTF are they doing?

ETA: Whoa. That was frakked up.

Oh, that sucks…

So who are the other two “gods” then?

African tiger? Native American…bird?

Well, yeah, I get that. It’s obviously sea, land, and air.

But I meant if Bertha is Kali, then who are the other two?

That’s some amazing tech for being 100 years old.

Amanda Tapping is going to find Atlantis! Again! :slight_smile:

Woah, its even bigger than it looked.

And, we have our season arc.

Lol! Wow, you might be right. I don’t have another plausible idea.

Well, I dunno their names, but knowing (guessing) they are land and air based is good enough for me for now… At least for another 5 episodes before I get impatient. d: