Sanctuary 2x04 Hero

Stupid commercial. How much could those sunglasses cost to justify spending all that time and effort backtracking, not to mention the gas they’re wasting?

Hydra? OMGs, he’s from S.H.I.E.L.D.!!! :eek:

X-men reference.

Terrorism suppression grid? Really?

I am falling asleep so good night all.

Was that Ashley? I didn’t recognize her.

“Where’s the bloody flyign man when you need him.” Love the accent.

How could you not?

Now that was something I wouldn’t want to meet in a (surprisingly not very) dark alley. :eek:

Pretty blondes all look alike to me. :stuck_out_tongue:

Looks like a dinasaur covered in exoskeleton.

Great to see as you are going to sleep.

I hope these bugs do not swarm.

Creepy - a suit made out of bugs

He’s like Venom! :eek:

I knew I didn’t like that suit.

I’m almost ashamed to say I didn’t catch the references in Walter’s “origin” story. I only know the main heroes.

Was all of that accurate?

Sorry I’m not chatting more, I’m uploading the pictures from yesterday’s meetup while watching. My bet is is that they are going to use the suit to get the giant bug.

How does Select 55 from Busweiser have access to a Keno and I don’t?

He is like Venom!