Sanctuary 2x03 Eulogy

I liked that line too, but I don’t remember her in Voyager.

Yeah. I really like her. Thanx for the vid, Badger.

Somehow, I’m thinking that’s not her in the wall.

Really? I haven’t seen the retconned pilot yet.

I can see the Sarah Silverman connection, although I don’t recall seeing her in Voyager.

Future’s End, Parts 1 and 2

Windows is like Star Trek movies. Every other release is crap. :slight_smile:

XP was great, Vista sucks, so 7 should be good.

Yeah, they said it was an awful line in the commentary.

I used Windows 1.0 for fun way back. My first version was 3.1. I didn’t know they had a version 2.x. Never looked into it. Learn something new everyday.

I just assumed they skipped that release but Wiki says it was the first to use Word and Excel.

Do we want to bring back Ashley? She was mega-crazy last time.

Mommy can’t let her go.

She’s like Scotty in the transporter buffer! Or Teal’c in the stargate buffer!

Sci-fi does love its buffers. :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh ok. Thanks.

She’s not coming back this episode. New girl will take her place awhile, then when new girl dies or near death experience, Ashley will be back. d:

That’s a big puppy. Has he been around Michael Vick?

It is de javu all over again… :slight_smile:

Actually, I just assumed that there was a Windows 2. My first version was 3.1 as well. I figured there had to be a version 2.0, since they hadn’t decided to start the weird marketing name scheme that early.

If they bring her back, they can fix her. In theory.

Oh no. They’re gonna need Artoo to get them out.

“Momma!” Hehe

New girl is now a “Mommy”. She’ll be araound for a little while. Did the other actress get another job or something? Other wise there are going to be two really tough girls with guns on the show.

There is sure to be an Ashley sighting before this ends.

She just “died” last episode, and she’s appeared throughout this one, so I can’t imagine that she’s otherwise engaged. She’ll be back, one way or another.

Wait until she finds out he’s a werewolf.

The CGI in this is pretty bad but it doesn’t bother me. The emotion and acting is pretty good.