S4.E09 CT Frak Party

She may not forget, but b/c she’s been seesawing through kamalah, meds and now no meds, no one may believe her (outside Adama). The interesting thing will be, will Blatar remember what happened to him after the explosion that boo booed Baltar?

I hope next week when Torre goes to her cylon bretheren (and sisteren) to just BE together, they go “Tory’s part of the Final Five… FRAK, can we send her back to the maker?! We don’t want her.”

No, prob not, but we may get a Sharon on Sharon fight that rivals the Starbuck v Six fight back on Caprica WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY back when Starbuck’s mission was to retreive the Arrow so the fleet could get a roadmap to Earth.

I think they showed it for the same reason we’ve been seeing a lot of blood whenever a cylon raider gets blowed up, to remind us of the loss of life that is really behind the actions of the fleet. It’s one thing to blow up the hub as an abstract action, but it becomes harder for Helo once he sees all those tubs filled w/ cylons.

I hope Boomer got out of that mess OK and I hope there’s still a base star full of Cavil’s to krrp the SKEEVE factor of the show up.

Ahh… I am blushing… thanks :wink:

Hey! I just realized!

Baltar spilled his guts to Laura!!!:D:D:D:D

DeathbyTray mentioned that in the PT party. Very witty.


Sigh, oh well. Guess I need to read threads first…

Well played, sir, well played!

I know I was like yelling at the tV saying “Kiss her allready!!!”

We’ll prob just get a shot of Roslyn and Adama waking up together in his bed/bunk next ep hopefully before Adama takes back command of Galactica and Tigh rocks his world by revealing that he’s a cylon.

Something I did catch when watching again…

When Roslin is with Elosha and Adama is reading to her, towards the end he says, “…and I saw Scar. The Cylon had saved my life, and I had done it no service.”

Any thoughts on that?

I just watched it (by other means) and I think he was saying that his furrows had scarred the island which had saved his life, and he had done it no service (although I did catch the similarity at the time, so it may be intentional.)

That be the Closed Captions?

No, CC is sort of an add-on in OM world. It can be done, but it complicates things. That was just my take on the dialog.

Oh alright. I’ll check the CC on my DVR.

EDIT: Couldn’t get the CC to work but the Battlestar Wiki has this:

Adama reading to Roslin during her vision:
“‘Then I dug into the stump and pulled rocks from the ground until my fingers bled. I collected seeds from the few fruits the island offered and planted them in long straight furrows like the ranks of soldiers. When I finished I looked at what I had done. I did not see a garden; I saw a scar. This island had saved my life and I had done it no service.’”

Carry on.

Scar’s dead baby, Scar’s dead

So’s the Gimp.

I just finished watching the episode and am not sure which thread to use to talk about it. I just needed to say I never thought I’d see Gaius preaching God’s love to a bullethead. and I didn’t expect to see Six in a flight suit! (I had posted about it a few days ago in the Grace Park photoshoot thread.)

Wonder if the island is a metaphor for Earth.

Baltar rabble rousing with the Cent: is it just me, or does anyone else wonder why this should be news to Barry? I mean, isn’t he a descendant of the original toasters who waged war on humanity after all???

I miss coming to the Frak Party so much, but alas, there’s no Internet in my summer BSG-watching location. At least I can still vicariously come to the party late by reading the thread…

Great ep; unusual for BSG that it made me cry and laugh out loud. One question, though:

Is it just me, or is Searider Falcon the Colonial version of Robinson Crusoe? I know we’ve only heard three or four sentences out of the whole book, but it sound really familiar.

It was very funny how Baltar is talking about a dog and then the Cylon turns his head sideways…like a dog does sometimes when you are talking to it!

Well as I’ve just now seen it… wow. I’ll have to make time tonight to read through the threads! But some initial (late, so sad) impressions.

I actually really liked the episode, and I was surprised when the 42 minutes were up. Some things I really enjoyed include:

  1. The music! I like whatever the theme is McCreary wrote for the hub battle scene, hopefully he wrote about it on his blog this week.
  2. Laura’s freaking out when she realizes she’s killing Baltar. That was so very human and so very her.
  3. The Eight moments - with Helo, without Helo, inanimate bodies in goo baths about to be destroyed (and yay for more Boomer theme), though seriously how Boomer didn’t wack Cavil herself is beyond me. And - did she survive? Die?
  4. D’Anna’s Roslin-cylon fake-out.
  5. Baltar’s proselytizing of the Centurion - particularly with the Centurion’s responses. If only Head Baltar could have been there…
  6. I thought there was a lot of humor in the episode, which was excellent for me.
  7. Laura and Adama’s reunion. SO CUTE. And we actually got to the part of Roslin and Adama where on the CD the guitars come in :slight_smile:


  1. Where were Simon and Doral, again? Harumph.
  2. Boomer needs to get herself back.
  3. The human pilots (Pike, ahem. and Seelix. and Redwing.) need to get their you know whats out of their you know wheres.