Robot Chicken: Star Wars Episode III

Seth MacFarlane has a touch of Kelsey Grammer in his voice, don’t you think?

Obi-Wan was the one who decided the stormtroopers were such great shots. I think it’s fair to say that listening to him was a bad idea in general. :rolleyes:

Black Stormtroopers! Bwhahahahaha! I missed that one last night. :slight_smile:

“You mean to tell me you’ve been naked all these years?” :smiley:

I wonder if this is the wampa Sean gave Chuck :eek:

It’s a shame that they don’t make prosthetic arms for Wampas. :frowning:

They skinned Chewie!!

You bastards!!

He’d make a great coat, though. :slight_smile:

“Enjoy the view, weather vane.” :smiley:

Prune Face! Prune Face!

“It’s a trap!” :eek:

oh, that poor little ewok!! :frowning:

Little bastard deserved it. :stuck_out_tongue:

“That was pretty wizard, wasn’t it, son?”
“I’m bringin’ it back!” :smiley:

Darth Jar-Jar. :eek:

Yes. It makes so much sense now. :eek:

“Blows, this party does”. :slight_smile:

“We’re not getting any younger.”
“Oh, you special edition mother-fucker!” :smiley:

Did you see The Force Unleashed commercial? It wasn’t in my, uh, other means. :slight_smile:


Are y’all joining me for Die Hard?

WHUUUUAAAT???!! You must be kidding! :smiley:

It was. During Celebration V in Orlando this years, JS interviewed GL during the Main Event and GL gifted JS with his own action figure:

Hayden Christensen had a hard job to do, with all the wooden dialog from GL’s pen. Therefore I’m happy the Zac Efron is NOT associated as Darth Vader!!!