Reaper 2x03 The Sweet Science

Not the way he described it, but it doesn’t make the comparison less disturbing.

Aww, so sad about Les Nessman. :frowning: :smiley:

Andy was genius! He died on the toilet. Sock is now SOL—until he comes up with a new scheme.

“That was sweet of you. I hope he doesn’t get eaten.”

“Sweet, beautiful, crazy-ass girl.” You forgot Demonic! This Ben thing is killing me!

You were saying? :smiley:

That Sock…such ingenuity deserves recognition. Danny Boy was a nice touch.:slight_smile:

The Devil got tricked into doing good – and he looks physically ill.

I’ve said before, and I’ll say it again:

Ray Wise is the best Devil ever filmed!

Yes he is. The tan really makes you think that he spends a lot of time in hot places. Just an added touch on a great performance.