Raiders of the Lost Ark 2/19 @ 10 PM ET

mechanical action music as you swing over quicksand

And so the action begins. Prepare your pacemakers.

Robot Chicken makes an excellent point about this part. There’s absolutely no way to know exactly how heavy that statue is until you’ve already picked it up.

Love the vine in the ground bit. Harrison’s expression sells it.

You can almost hear Steven chuckling and screaming, “Brilliant!!”

Oh no! Hovitos.

Sounds like a snack food or a group of naughty girls. Or both for vampires.

“Doctor Jones, again you see there is nothing you can possess that I cannot take away from you.”

Evil, but so cool. :stuck_out_tongue:

“There’s a big snake in the plane.”

Oh Dr. Jones you are so modest about your manhood.

Was Marcus just checking out that girl?

For years I only saw this on VHS. I didn’t see it in the theatre. I had no idea what was written on her eyelids. It wasn’t until the DVD that I realized it was ‘Love You’. It’s what I figured anyway.

“Hitler is obsessed with the occult.”

He actually was…

Love the gov’t guys reaction to the History of the Bible.

Their faces are like, “Wait…isn’t that a fable?”

Say what you want, but this is the way to do exposition.

“What’s that supposed to be coming out of the Ark?”

It’s Destructo-God.

This should have won Best Picture.

Chariots of Fire! Stoopid Academy.

Actually, due to the construction of the Ark (a box of gopherwood, gilt inside and out), there’s actually a possibility that the box would have acted like a large capacitor, capable of holding a massive electrical charge. Hence the carrying poles and the tradition that touching it would cause instant death.

Because it did. :eek:

Love the map bit. They do it in Lego Indiana Jones. I get giddy when I see it in other films. I sing the Indy music.

All the kids are worshipping him. :stuck_out_tongue:

I like Karen Allen best of all the Jones girls.

That’s a Mythbusters waiting to happen.

“I was a child…”

Wait. Did Indy molest her? :eek: