Pumpkin Carving

More geeky pumpkins (some overlap with the first group.)

The Shaun one is my fave.

Since the gutter seal on this thread has finally been opened, allow me to share these lewd pumpkins.

And more funny ones…

I read that wrong. You don’t want to know what I read. It involved Sean.

Dude, your unconcious tries too hard.

Anyhoo, here’s a fun post about turning a watermelon into braaaaaaains.

Cool thing is, I think it’d still look impressive carved up to eat.

In honor of the cinematic Batman experience I’ve been waiting my entire life for, my botched tribute to The Dark Knight Returns:

I wuz too busy watching the little ones paint their pumpkins. Plus, honestly, my spacial skills are a little off.

My friend made this one:

Batman should be here any minute…

Now that’s what I shoulda done.

Trick-or-treater count:

Numerous stormtroopers

1 Schwarzennegaraer-model Terminator

1 Heath Ledger Joker

Here’s a link with some more extreme pumpkin carvings…I think the puking one is a hoot.

Holy craaaap! That site is teh awesome!

Also, Potter Pumpkins.

Teh Big Mac pumpkin at the bottom of the page is cool…but would taste yucky!

This is one i made a couple years ago.

His name is

Gourd-on the Pirate Pumpkin…

The Pedo Bear Pumpkin :eek:

ETA: Cthulhu Pumpkin

Gizmodo has some cool Star Wars pumpkins online…