Primer 5/28 @ 10 PM ET

That’s just the beginning

Yea thats what i understand,…that this is a very WTF movie…and a bit of Huh???

Sometimes I continue to hum after the dude in the mask takes the jumper cables off. :eek:

What will really bake your noodle later is, if it was broken was it ever really a law in the first place? :rolleyes:

I actually decided that if i were ever really rich i would hire a bunch of grad and PHD Physiscs students to make time travel and FTL travel possible by ignoring the laws of physics…

Hey, when did Abe shave? Oh nevermind

“You’ve got to write this down. Fine. I’m gonna write it down.”

That happens to me all the time.

Yea…im gnnna need to watch this again…I am confuseld with all their big words…

ANd they talk too fast and complete each other’s thots. Very disorienting.

I love the revel of the Storage unit

When friends clone. I think I’d look just like Aaron.

“What did you do all day?”

Good question.

Confusion is really starting in!!

“Does it hurt?”

“Yeah. A little.”


Breathe. Breathe.

Why must it me “male” impotency…can women be impotent???

Rules to Follow to Evade Causality Paradoxes or Generally Screwing Your Life Up! :smiley:

Is there a door on this thing? Or do they just pass through it?

They did say that the machine caused protein buildup. Someone call a plumber! :eek:

Or a hooker…