Primer 2/24 @ 10 PM ET

Head Phones. Listening to himself.

Red head thinks he knows something his buddy doesn’t. Buddy has already used the machine…a few times.

“Protein buildup.”


I don’t think it’s pretentious. IMO, a good time travel story should be confusing. It’s internally consistent, even if cause and effect are completely twisted.

Producing more power than it takes in would be “impossible”, so it would count.

“Do you know what they do to engineers…?”

I just caught that. He said the joke before he met the guy.

Wouldn’t testing it on mice be a better idea than building a bigger one?

“We need to put it someplace.”

camera pan Hehe.

They’ve seen Hitchhikers. They probably don’t trust the mice.

Now, they’re worried. They really sell the shock.

That’s just freaky. A few minutes after they decide to build it, they discover that they already have.

I love how they’re worried about running into their other self.

That’s the problem I have with time travel. It should already have happened. Some time.

How do we know it hasn’t? From our point of view, we may never see the difference.

I still have a hard time understanding why they start the machine first to get in it later.

Sounds like it has to heat up.

So, there’s only one? No super villian has control of it? That kind of thing. I think someone would know.

“I can imagine no way in which this thing would be considered anywhere remotely close to safe.” :eek:

So, they’re back to when they turned on in the morning?

You could kill your double…or have him floating in time! :eek:

Ever see that episode(s?) of Voyager with Red Forman using a time ship to alter history? I think it would be like that. Anyone on the wrong end of it would never know the difference. Their/our entire history would be changed, so we’d remember the new history only.

Unless you’re Whoopi Goldberg, of course. :stuck_out_tongue:

Or assemble an army of yourself! :eek: