Predator 2 8/7 @ 10 PM ET

thinking of a Blog post Bill Paxton’s resume.

I thot he was the one that got away in Terminator

That ramp up to the truck reminds me of KITT’s hideaway.

Gary Busey went with the tin foil suit instead of the tin foil hat.

Killing a baby is easy. No sport in it.

Besides, soft embryonic bones make poor trophies.

I’ve always assumed that Arnie killed them all.

Dear Gary,
Just because you’re dealing with aliens, doesn’t mean you should pull out the silver lamé onesie.

Thanks, Kim

PS: You just had to share, didn’t you? Hope it works!

Oh no, soldier cam again.

Tin foil suits to block infrared but wear huge flashlights. Great idea.

Wow. Predator really can’t see those bigass spotlights.

Oh, now he can.

Go Ripley! I mean Murdock! I mean…forget it.

Did we lose D?

He could see them if he was using his eyes. (Un?)Fortunately, he’s relying on his technology, so he was only seeing the infrared.

Heh. So much for tech under the sprinklers.

Ewww! Put the mask back on, mother f@$ker!

Predator sporting dreads!!

Boomerang saw FTW!

Why do they keep showing Danny Glover’s arse? I wasn’t gonna say anything but now I’ve seen it in infrared!!

That wuz NAS-ty!

Wait…Predator is having a MacGyver moment.

What’s he doing with the bathroom?

Don’t get up, Herb. Stay the frak outta the bathroom.