Nathan Fillion in Castle

Seesh! I’m sorry if you can’t handle the truth!

Handling the truth is one thing. Being clubbed over the head with it unawares, quite another. :smiley:

I think I’ve seen most episodes of Moonlighting during their first run…in 1985 I was only 11.

That would be a cool series to add to Hulu.

twisty twisty

gets off your lawn

I had an overprotective mother.

Pshaw! I don’t club!

Oh, :stuck_out_tongue: wasn’t really meaning anything towards you by that comment.

LOL! I know, but it’s the truth. I was sheltered for most of my childhood. :rolleyes:



Very funny and insightful interview in The Onion

So, has anyone watched it yet? What did you all think?

I liked it. I mean, it’s no BSG, but it was fast paced and fun. Nathan was great, and I love Castle’s interactions with his family and with Beckett.

All in all, my verdict is fluffy fun!

Agreed. I watched with my wife last night and we both thought it was great. Fluffy fun is the best way of describing it.

We forgot to TiVo it.
But thanks to, a VGA cable hooked to the TV and my laptop, we on to watch it tonight. (And there’s no Lost tonite, so we’re free).

(To test out the ABC video player, I watched the 1st 5 min of Castle, and I’m liking it…But I’m gonna be calling it “The Solai Show” me thinks :wink: )

I forgot to comment on the actual thread…I must be getting senial…('mr savik, you go right on quoting regulations…)

Castle, I think it was a good first episode… I am glad I watched it and will give stick with it to see how it goes…

It’s on the DVR awaiting us. We saw the first few minutes but then had to stop when the less little little one came home from school. I liked what I saw, so far. I like the premise of the pilot, and Nathan Fillion is great as a smarmy type (at least he was still smarmy in the bit I saw).

What I think is funny is that neither my wife nor I would’ve taken a look at that show had it not been for Lucky introducing us to Firefly. (The Mrs. just finished her first re-watch through the series. I think she liked it more than I did!)

So we watched the pilot episode of Castle this evening. Well, we still have the last act to go, but it was enough to make a preliminary assessment: we are thoroughly underwhelmed. Something feels off about the show, and I fear it’s the female lead. She just has no charisma on screen and no chemistry with Fillion. But it’s not fair to blame just her. The writing is pretty bland and the premise just slightly over preposterous (this coming from a guy whose favorite show involves sexy humanoid robots flying through space!). I’m not feeling it.

I liked the show, It plays to the strengths of Nathan’s acting. the supporting cast seems good. not revolutionary by any means but it was a lot of fun with room to grow.

apples, apples, apples

I was able to catch the pilot on it’s reairing on Saturday. I hope they keep that slot open as well. Anyway - I really liked the show. Love the humor and the “wild life” that Castle lives plus the way his 15yo keeps him grounded. The only character I haven’t warmed up to yet is the detective he’s assigned to work with. Hopefully that’ll change as she develops the character. Ep 2 is still waiting to be watched on the DVR

ep 2 was great… ive always like nathan fillion, but i think this show really lets him show off what he is capable of… fingers crossed that other people like it as much as i do

I love the show, so they will probably cancel it soon.

I loathe Fox, they produce the best shows then cancel them after 4 shows and put a rerun of house instead. I like house but it still really piss me off.

Whats happens in John Doe ??!!??

And ABC family canceling Kyle XY where is the world going too. I love Ozzy’s music but since the reality show, hate the man.

Thanks for the interview they were great and funny.

I didnt much like the show, but Fillion was great

I have been watching the show from the pilot and it has earned a spot in my regular DVR list. I think Nathan is great in it and the supporting cast compliments his humor very well. I hope it makes it the show really shows promise.