Oh noes! I love love love that movie, maybe I should amend my “how did you become a geek” story to talk about BTTF. Because it was my favorite movie as a kid. And still kind of is.
LOL, whereas I’m now feeling on the old end of Facebook… because I joined it when it first came out and now everyone and their middle school siblings is on it. Twitter is hubby’s fault. Though I have recently entered into the world of texting, so yeah…
Well! You could put your guy in the red life preserver, you could give him the crazy not working mind reading machine Doc tries out on Marty in 1955, you could be all blue and sparkly like when the DeLorean goes through time, you could wear Doc’s crazy orange tie from the future get-up… you could even get yourself into the dress that Lorraine wore to the Enchantment under the Sea dance!
(No, seriously, BTTF was/is my favorite movie. I know the lines by heart.)