MLP: Friendship is Magic, Episodes 25 & 26

Is Rainbow Dash wearing grapes around her neck?

Luna will apparently be back next season.

How is Twilight Princess Celestia’s star pupil? What exactly has she ever taught her? Seems like information only travels one way in their relationship.




I forgot we see Twilight’s neediness here, too.

She taught her friendship is something to be valued way back in the first 2 eps.

Velvet rope.

Class stratification is in full swing in Canterlot. :rolleyes:

You don’t wanna know…

Technically, she learned that herself. Celestia wasn’t even around at the time.

Applejack went to a party to sell apples and apple accessories to the guests?

No, but she was tasked to do that by Celestia in Ep. 1.

It was Celestia’s idea for her to go to Equestria to learn.

Commanding isn’t teaching. :rolleyes:

Good work if you can get it.

Wow Fluttershy…

Even the cute little animals of Canterlot are stuck up.

This place should burn. :mad:

He used her as a pony shield. :eek:

You said it…she’s going into full evil mode there…

This is when I decided she was best pony.