MLP: Friendship Is Magic ep. 3 & 4

Timecheck? i seem to be behind.

I didn’t see any bulls, but I wasn’t trying to look that hard. d:

Or like Winona Judd, or Winona Ryder…

Yeah, I was wondering if there’s a connection somehow.


You couldn’t tell with all of them, but those bouncy udders were kind of hard to miss… :slight_smile:

Sure, and they have socialized medicine too.

Princess Celestia is the opium of the people! :eek:

Nah, gotta be Farscape reference. d:

Those ponies are on drugs! :eek:

Must have gotten into the “special” apples. :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, those two are acting a little drunk…is that Celestia’s opium working?

Yesterday was 4/20 after all. d:

So is it only the Unicorn Ponies that can ‘magic’ stuff?

I don’t get all the teleporting…it’s not like she can’t walk faster than the really tired Applejack?

Oh crap. I missed Hitler’s birthday??? :frowning:

The Pony-Pult…this is going to be a disaster

I must be getting tired myself. Read that as Unicron Ponies. Applebuck is contagious.

splat Lol!

The rainbow pegasus seems to control the weather.

Otherwise, it’s a just another thing setting the ruling class apart from the proletariat. :mad:

“Applebucking” is the new “Frak”

So woud you classify that as a design problem or a launch problem?

Where’s ArkansasEngineeringPony when they need her? :stuck_out_tongue:

Where is ArkansasEngineeringGirl when you need her?