Timecheck? i seem to be behind.
I didn’t see any bulls, but I wasn’t trying to look that hard. d:
Or like Winona Judd, or Winona Ryder…
Yeah, I was wondering if there’s a connection somehow.
You couldn’t tell with all of them, but those bouncy udders were kind of hard to miss…
Sure, and they have socialized medicine too.
Princess Celestia is the opium of the people! :eek:
Nah, gotta be Farscape reference. d:
Those ponies are on drugs! :eek:
Must have gotten into the “special” apples.
Well, those two are acting a little drunk…is that Celestia’s opium working?
Yesterday was 4/20 after all. d:
So is it only the Unicorn Ponies that can ‘magic’ stuff?
I don’t get all the teleporting…it’s not like she can’t walk faster than the really tired Applejack?
Oh crap. I missed Hitler’s birthday???
The Pony-Pult…this is going to be a disaster
I must be getting tired myself. Read that as Unicron Ponies. Applebuck is contagious.
splat Lol!
The rainbow pegasus seems to control the weather.
Otherwise, it’s a just another thing setting the ruling class apart from the proletariat. :mad:
“Applebucking” is the new “Frak”
So woud you classify that as a design problem or a launch problem?
Where’s ArkansasEngineeringPony when they need her?
Where is ArkansasEngineeringGirl when you need her?