Men in Black Frak Party 11/7 @ 10 PM ET

You know, if you think about it, the Archilleans are kinda douchebags. They brought the Galaxy to Earth, failed to keep that a secret, and then failed to protect it, and then now they wanna blow up Earth as a result of their own incompetence?

You are my hero!

I did that on a beach once…I had an MGB convertible, so small it could drive right between the steel posts designed to prevent that kind of thing. I got a ticket. I was young.

LOL…remember the Panasonic Detonator players? Mine is blue.

This bug has nothing on Pvt. Pyle’s acting.

I found the movie so were are you know.

No. But I used to play my dad’s jazz 8 tracks way back.

Will Smith just yelled OLD GUYS and he’s about to push the little red button

When you have an infinite power source and planet-busting battlecruisers, then you can judge. Until then… :stuck_out_tongue:

weird shit-o-meter: that’s a keeper

He’ll always be Thor to me. :smiley:

I love Will Smith’s going through the fight with K. Sounds like a little kid describing a fight at school. “He punched me. And it hurt. But I kicked 'em.”

Eww… bugs.

My collection was all rock.

I’m not there yet, but dude, that part is awesome :smiley:

“Big bad bug’s got a soft spot!”

Yeah, a creamy soft spot underneath the crunch hard shell! Yum.

It’s all a matter of perspective, isn’t it?

You and your soft fleshy skin and disgusting internal skeletons. :smiley:

“Rodman you’re kidding? Not much of a disguise.”

A little dated humour.

Everybody sing !!

So I’m sitting on the couch and husband was sprawled on the floor… but then he got the heebie jeebies about bugs so now he’s back on the couch with me :slight_smile: