Men in Black Frak Party 11/7 @ 10 PM ET

Nah, we’re too backwards for anything that cool. I’ll just make sure I get myself more organised for next week

“Have you ever flashy-thing me?”

I love that.

And I’m kind of afraid to ask…

Neuralizer?? I do not remember that. :smiley:

Maybe you can ask the shaman to start a fire and we’ll project a vision to you. Dang primitive…

instant netflix STILL not available for macusers :mad:

Orion !! It always gets to Orion…

K using Govt resources to stalk his ex…it’s ok tho…National Security.

ergonomic wireless keyboard in 1997. Nice.

Obviously, this MUST come to pass. :cool:

Why do dying people (and aliens) always say things in a really, really confusing and misleading way?

“To prevent (searching for words…) contest/war, the Galaxy is on Orion’s belt.” 10 words, 3 minutes, very misleading.

Instead of: “Check my cat’s leash.” 4 words, very clear.

As Leah says, it is a pretty easy one to remember. In that it is memorable

Noisy cricket.

That would be my ninja name.

I heard there’s an opt-in form somewhere on Netflix that lets you watch it on Macs.

She’ll always be Santanico Pandemonium to me. :smiley:

That exchange between the tow guy and bug is soooo New York.

…the noisy cricket.

DBT, we appear to be at about the same point in the movie… I just got to the dead guy speaking cryptically…

non-native english speaker confusion :smiley:

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