Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus

There is very little versus in this movie.

no IJC not nice and slow. Go fast…its a huge plane eating shark

of course is jammed. Is it wrong that i am rooting for the sea life in this one.

Why is the navy using its long range surface guns to shoot something underwater. Do they not have torpedos

Dude you only need one nuke well in theory///

Thats three montages in one movie.

Why are they using SR-71s to seach the ocean. Shouldnt they use sub hunters…

Dude that night was like 2 nights ago!!

DG you dont want someting thing that goes 25 times faster than you chasing you.

Talk about Calvary. The entire US sub fleet is quite a sight.

It was quite a sight. giant Octopus took care of that.

That Japanese guy doesnt have an accent. You can at least fake one . Bad Actor

Wow i dont think that guy even speaks english. So he equals out the non Japanese guyu

wow the entre sub was in the sharks mouth.

cool. Ocotpus was giving the jap sub an indian rope burn.

And winner by decision…Octopus!!