Mass Series Finale Meetup?

I second… third… um… Another vote for Philly right here!

Unsurprisingly, pretty much the only way I would attend is if it was in Philly :stuck_out_tongue:

Where was the last meetup in philly and what was it like?

i am fully in favor of holding this shindig in Illadelph. i’d try to convice you all of someplace in jersey, but that would be pushing it. but in Philly’s favor, think about this: remember, one of the only cities in the 12 Colonies that has been named in the show is Delphi. as in, Phila-Delphi-a? your honors, the defense rests.

I think, even though Stephen is partial to Las Vegas for obvious reasons, he is right. It is the cheapest place to fly and get packages for or that area at least is. I understand that everyone is going to vote for their own place and a place closest to them but this is literally the easiest place. Especially for a group rates for things like rooms or a place to meet at and what not. Just thought I would throw that out there, and no I don’t live in Vegas.

haha yeah Vegas might owrk fro me, depending on when the series ender is. Maybe I can hicthhike my way…hicthhike…a plane lol

Well you won’t get an argument from me if you were to hold it here, but I am not opposed to Vegas either.

My ability to go will depend on finances, timing and what the conventions look like next year (it doesn’t look like I will be able to go to D*C next year :()

I really want to be in on this but since I’m already going to be doing a massively expensive vacation in mid-09 I don’t know if it will be possible. However, I do have an opinion (of course):

Stuff like this is hard to get from planning to execution without some executive decision-making. I vote that either the Trinity or the moderators or the board of OGs or Emily all on her own converse among themselves and make a decision which is then announced to the forum as a whole. We’ll never have consensus on a location otherwise.

agreed. we could go round and round with this for months and never get anything done. we need to have a location set so plans can start getting made

(you like how I used the passive voice there? no commitment whatsoever to the making of said plans. the magic plan-making fairy is just going to appear. I believe it!)

Hah… amazing use of passive voice. :slight_smile:

It would be awesome to have an enormous series finale meetup, but as it seems that so many of us are a bit on the ‘strapped for cash’ end of things… maybe we should do more than one? As in, have a few in different locales (like one in Vegas as well as Philly) so that we can still gather a nice crowd of people but those on the West Coast don’t have to pay to come to the East and visa-versa.

no! one location! I want you all!!!



Maybe we (meaning someone who knows how) could post, say, two sticky threads. One titled “Las Vegas Meetup” and another “Regional Meetup Only”…then each Alpaca can add their name to the list that they can participate in. Once that’s accomplished and we have a good set of names, we can then determine if it’s going to be a Vegas only situation, or Vegas plus a couple of regional meets simultaneously…like, Philly, Texas, whatever.
Also, how feasible is a good quality live video feed between the sites, if we do end up with several sites ? Then we could put them up on a screen and interact with each other throughout the night (IYKWIM GR…). Or is that a complete pipe dream ?
Or maybe I’m full of craaap and should just shut up. Suggestions?
Count me in for Vegas, though. Totally!

I’d be in for this, hopefully Sci Fi will give us the date in a good advance.


Do you have a budget? I’m not saying it is a pipe dream. I’m just saying that my initial gut reaction is that money would be needed. With one site we could have an easier time getting stuff situated technologically. With multiple sites we would need somebody to act as point for dealing with the venue.

Getting a meeting room at Sam’s Town or Sunset Station would allow for such to be ready for order at cost. I don’t have a spare projector laying around anywhere to put up a video link whether one way or otherwise. For audio, something could be arranged far more easily. If TalkShoe’s problems are resolved, all that would be needed would be a speakerphone to do a conference call between sites. That would be far, far cheaper than attempting video.

You are not full of craaaaaaaaaap. You are bringing up very valid ideas.

I need help picking a site in Las Vegas so that phone calls can be made. If Season 4.5 is kicking off in January, the finale would be right around the time NASCAR is kicking off at the local speedway. If that is the case, Las Vegas would be rather less economical than otherwise. Doing something off-strip at a Stations Casinos property might be more cost effective than the strip anyhow.

If there is interest still in a series finale meet-up, we can add at least one site to the list of possible attractions. The Atomic Testing Museum certainly would hearken back to the start of the whole series.

Let’s not let this die out just yet : )

How would you like to proceed then?

Anyone for DC? It IS the nation’s capitol…probably the only way I’d be able to attend.

I think the first thing we need to decide is who is willing to do the wrangling & get it organized? We can certainly decide on a venue…but without someone to do the leg work it’s a lot of chaos.

Boston or NY would be awesome! Anything in the northeast that I could potentially drive to I’d probably come!

I’d be happy to help at all, I’d have to recommend Chicago area (yes I live there) but it’s also centrally located in the country!