Lost 6x17-18 The End

Woohoo! The concert. Here we go.

The last line about becoming the demons? Well I thought it was funny.

And technically that’d be Desmond causing the death

Having sex with his step-sister should do it. :eek:

ANd what’s with Claire?

Crazy. Didn’t I mention that already? :rolleyes:

See? ^^


Spock!! Nooooo!!! Spock!!!

You pull the spherical object off the pillar? Isn’t that how Spock died?

Way to go Desmond, you broke the Island.

Desmond opened the Hellmouth! :eek:

Holy crap Hivemind!

Run bald pussy run!

Yes I know the iykim implications

Nice, and funny as hell, hive mind you two.

Jack. Wrong. Again.

Hmmm, never gets old. :rolleyes:

What the FRAK just happened???:mad::eek::frowning:

That’s a very patriotic smiley explative (2nd one is sorta white leave me alone)

Spock put the mains back online so the Enterprise could get away before the Island sinks. Then Desmond will be launched out of a torpedo tube and soft land on the ocean floor and become…I’m confused

I suppose “Being Lost” jokes got old the first season?

Kate is gonna delivery Claire’s Baybe again. Flash sideways.

Driveshaft sounds better with Daniel.

Where are they going, Des? Where?

All this has happened before…