“Let me show you.”
Des is gonna crash that sweet Camaro, isn’t he?
“Let me show you.”
Des is gonna crash that sweet Camaro, isn’t he?
“Feel any different?”
“Not realy.”
Awww, craaap. I was hoping he did.
“He’s worse than Yoda.”
“I have a bad feeling about this.”
Awww, Hurley. I’ll miss you most of all. /Dorothy
“I got a bad feeling about this”
“I got a bad feeling about this.”
Oh noes! Hurley’s going to be frozen in carbonite! :eek:
I don’t know if I can deal with these commercials. Thinking about waiting like…45 minnutes to blast through the commercials.
See you folks after the show
Maybe his godlike powers take a little while to kick in.
While watching BSG’s final run, I was thankful for the commercials. Needed a break. But this show, yeah I see what you mean.
Maybe the two realities have to “connect” first?
Or he is a better liar, now. Island guardian super-power.
Was Mira Furlan in the opening credits? I don’t think I saw her name.
Hurley is the best. Thus the flash sideways are the best. “That was Charlie” =D
I’ve said it before. I’ll say it again. I love that Hurley knows.
Shouldn’t matter. The Island’s a non-issue in the other reality.
Did Hugo realy need to trank Charlie? He’d have probably passed out in another 5 minutes anyway.