Lost 6x17-18 The End

OMG That sucked!!! That ending? OMG!!!

How the frak am I supposed to go to work now!

So the Island was Purgatory? I feel a little cheated.

Now I have 8 hours of work to brood about it.

And Mike…and Walt…and Anna Lucia…and Mr. Eko.

Local news just thanked us for staying up with them.

Sure, that’s why we’re still here. :rolleyes:

No - the island reality is reality. The sideways reality was just their little construct and then they moved on - it was actually a flash forward after.

What? No. The Island happened, the flash sideways was limbo before they went on to heaven

NO the island was reality. The sideways reality this season was purgatory.

They told us from the beginning that it wasn’t Purgatory.

And now it obviously was all along?


That’s what I got.

Holy Smokes!!!

What an ending. Not many big answers, but still stunning.

No man pay attention. “Some died before you…some long after” the flash sideways was limbo before they all moved on enough to move on together.

So, better or worse than Kara being an angel?

Where does that leave Ben though?

far worse…

The way I took it was, they all died in the original crash.

The past 6 seasons was just them working out their issues before they could move on.

That’s what I got from what Christian Shephard said.

I’m less than happy.

No ready to move on, or not going where they’re going.

No he said exactly the opposite. “Some died before you. Some much later” they didn’t all die together in the crash. Boone died when the plane fell on him. Shannon died when Michael shot her. Jack died when he was stabbed and bled out in the bambo field. Hurley and Ben died after tending the island for X amount of time.

You are wrong. You need to watch it again.

Btw, I almost didn’t recognize R&B in the church. They cleaned up nicely. d: