So nice of Richard to bury that girl…didn’t know grave digger was part of his job description…
When you live that long, you tend to have many jobs. Um, not that I’d know.
Ahhh, that was the scene were Henry Ian Cusic really hurt Michael Emerson.
Let’s hope so. I still believe WIdmore left the C4 for MIB on the plane so he could use it.
I would just love it if she would just put the bone back on her head and call in The White Star Fleet for old times sake!
He’s been burying things since he got there.
Being immortal has its downside.
he did it before…some one had to bury all the Dharma folks in that mass grave
That’s what happens when you live 140 years on a crazy island with a homocidal smoke monster.
Oh no! Grey’s Anatomy is doing a ‘Who shot J.R.?’ plotline!! BWHAHAHAHA!!
That was tossing in a pit, not bury!
Well he got lazy.
Jack Shepherd is behind me. You are in front of me. If you value your lives, be somewhere else!
Run Evil Liz Lemon Run
“If you don’t want to die, you need to run.”
Richard: “Yeah. About that…”
It doesn’t look like the shooter is in question, but who’s the shootee?
Centauri high-five We slap, well…
It’s a small jail, after all.
oohhh a felon clubhouse gathering!
Somehow, Desmonds thots from both timelines have merged.
Desmond is soo frakin’ cool