Lost 6x13 The Last Recruit

Or it could be that the actor is English, this is the last season, and he’s just not trying anymore. :stuck_out_tongue:

Pull the Trigger Claire. PULLL ITTT

I was thinking the same thing.

It’s so awful that we all root for a major character to get murdered. :slight_smile:

It’s okay Kate – I’m on your side despite what Team Kate Hate thinks! :slight_smile:

It was all a bit too heavy handed, no? Claire tells Jack she trusts Locke because he didn’t abandon her, and then a second later, Jack abandons her right away. :smiley:

I have to third this motion. Die, Kate! :smiley:

Wow. Thats Awesome. They find each other off the island too

Dude who is Jack’s ex?

We have to go back, Sawyer!!! We have to go back!

Just a guess, but I’m thinking Juliet.

I think so too but I want validation :smiley:

JAck and his son both walk alike



And everyone’s finding each other. Yay!

And then, tragedy… :eek:

Yay sun and JIn are back. But i expected their heads to blow up.

They didn’t really think that would work, did they?


It’s kind of weird that Sun would start speaking in English again to the one person who would understand her in Korean. Still, what the hell was all that about with her losing her ability to speak English? Kind of went nowhere. :smiley:

But, aww. I’m glad they didn’t off either Jin or Sun immediately after their reunion. I would have been pissed.

I would have expected something like that from Joss, not Damon and Carlton.