Rephrase: Is there any other words than You are everybody?
Whoa! Frisky’s commercial: cats on acid? :eek:
What’s “eidetic”???
Nope. LOL
Or that both timelines are converging.
So-called “photographic” memory, as in perfect recall.
You all, everybody
You all, everybody
Acting like you’re stupid people
Wearing your 'spensive clothes
You all, everybody
You all, everybody
You all, everybody
That’s it
I figure its what happens once the Smoke Monster gets free of the Island. And resets the world.
The technical term for what most people call “photographic memory”.
Desmond always ends up in powerful magnetic fields.
OMGs! He’s Magneto! :eek:
Ohh some one is about to jump back to the Island!!
Wow I had a test like that and I did not have visions.
“Brutha” count 2
Bwahahaha! Run, Charlie!
Woohoo! Hobbit butt!
HeY LEah!!! its been a long time since i have fraked with ya
LOL! Love it!
Yay Penny does still exist. Their love is destined to exist
Hey, mambo! Mambo italiano!
I have been having sleeping issues and had to try to go to sleep early. I had to miss lots of shows. Oh I am on spring break so i can sleep in too.
I thought that was going to happen too. But I like how they’re advancing the plot of the flash-sideways timeline even better!