Lost 6x08 Recon

Quick!! Who’s running? I think it’s Scrappy!!

LOLOL! Son of a bitch indeed!


If James is a cop, why did he let Kate go at the airport? :confused:

He shoots. He scores.

Um, do you know how to drive a sub?


And he just called her Freckles

And we get a Richard Alpert story finally!

[spoiler]We get Richard’s background next week. heart pounding[/spoiler]

Me being spoilery conscious.

Did you catch when flash-sideways woman call him Dimples? Touché!

And we get a Richard Alpert story finally!

Yeah, I’m really looking forward to this one.

Also a good choice

Can you please tell me what happened in the last scene after he caught Kate in the flash-sideways.

He just said “Son of a bitch” in his trademark way :slight_smile: Then a short scene back on-island with Sawyer and Kate

so only they seeing each other again?
thanks, will try to get my 5 hrs of sleep now before Uni starts again.

will hopefully catch ya’ll next week and wish you a awesome-oppossum time at the meetup.

Only 8 episodes left?

Did they cut this season short?

All in all we’ll have 18 hrs of LOST with the finale being 2 hours long, so we should have 10 episodes left over 9 weeks.

Weren’t previous seasons longer, though. Like 22 episodes or sumthin’?

Don’t you have the DVD/BD to look it up?:wink:

Yeah, S1-3 had about 22-23 hours, S4 was cut short with 16 or 17.