Lost 6x08 Recon

Charlotte! :eek:

And not all brain-melty, either! :slight_smile:

Another Indiana Jones reference. Wasn’t there one last night on Chuck? Thar be some GWC lurkers!!

If you’re good at something, it can’t hurt to be the best.

Wow! Now that sure didn’t happen in the other timeline! :slight_smile:

So now we know. She does like the brainey type. They always like the bad boys.

James is certainly getting around in Sideways World.

Aw, craaap. Charlotte’s playing him…

Who does that? Going through someone’s stuff.

Was she after something? Was she doing recon?

uh-oh. Sayid’s broken. :eek:

Claire is sooo grounded!

Only way to deal with hysteria, really. Gotta smack some of the excess estrogen out of the brain. :stuck_out_tongue:

You’ll have to excuse Smokey he’s from a different time, when they slapped hysterical women.

She sure looked like she was looking for something specific!

Yeah… That was creepy… :eek:

Alright, fill me in. Who are all the dead folk?

And who the hell was the live one? :confused:

Bunny ears in the Target commercial. Don’t call it a comeback.

Obviously the cast from next season. :slight_smile:

Can anyone make out what that woman said to Saywer after “Who the hell are you?”


CHarlotte is on my Fantasy Team, finally getting some points with her :)))

“The only one left” is what the closed caption said