Lost 6x05 Lighthouse

They still could get together since Jack and Juliette broke up …just like on the island.

You don’t have a sundown every day where you live?

Noticed on the re-watch that in Jack’s dad’s study there is a bottle of that MaCutcheon scotch, he must be connected to Widmore even in sideways land. Also on the wheel is Linus and Rousueau names crossed out and Austen at 51 is not.

He’s the kinda guy of science. Besides at the beginning of his Dharma time adventure, he always has to question everything.

Must be a very big Island. With not seeing the Statue, The Temple, Hydra Island, Radio Tower, the list goes on and on.:smiley:

Didn’t work here.

Another one for the list. Don’t forget MIL (Man in Locke), Esau or simply Locke (how TPTB refer to him)

Hmmm, best guess I’ve seen so far. My first one was that it was Claire.:eek:

Here’s a good screencap of the wheel with the numbers from 42 til 60