Lost 6x03 What Kate Does


haha, exactly!!

and it was very short screen time for Claire. Won’t get many Lost fantasy points for her this week.

Because last year, it was.

In two weeks, it’ll be on Saturday afternoon. Three weeks after that, Monday after The View. And then six weeks after that, it will return to its regular time of Fridays, in two minute chunks, at every half-hour. :smiley:

See…Told ya.

BUSH a shiny button!


fun with typos

Kate those pregnancy cloths aint gonna fit you dear.

So it’s on the Babylon 5 schedule?

She’s a bitch, and an awful person, to boot.

I’ll predict that Claire was in LA to visit Aaron.

Haven’t seen the Heroes finale. Guessing it was bad…

They can only hope for that level of regularity. :slight_smile:

Why do I keep forgetting that Jin speaks english now? It’s a surprise every time.

[comicbookguy] Worst Finale Ever [/comicbookguy]

I think she was there to birth him.

Sayid, karma’s a bitch.

Sayid’s being tortured? After coming back from the dead?

Maybe he didn’t. :eek:

As far as ironic punishments go, that’s pretty fitting.

I can’t wait…

Well that was dramatic music

So Sayid failed … something

“I guess I just lied to him.”

frakkin with the audience.

writes to producers of LOST Thanx

Love the Stevie Wonder punch buggie!!