Lost 5x13 Some Like It Hoth

about half a cup

AWESOME!!! HURLEY is writing Star Wars!!!

Well, there you go. Hurley wrote “The Empire Strikes Back”. :smiley:

“…like a little Dutch boy with your finger in a… Doc!”

Foreshadowing? :rolleyes:

Knew that when he asked how to spell Bounty Hunter

I keep seeing Phil as his character from Mad Men.

It is for all the slash fiction folks out there…shudder…

my friends i gots me a decent drunk on!!!

Oh you make me sick GM!!

Ok, lightweight Sean.


you know…Sally fields…still kinda hot…

I can drink beer forever ('specially Guinness)…but wine…not so much.

Can you spell ‘wine goggles’?

Yeah, she is.

Woah! I love the Star Wars parallel!!

Ever since Mrs. Doubtfire she has done it for me…for some weird reason.

lol “Lets Face it Ewoks suck dude!!”

You mean you like her? You really, really like her? :smiley:

Ewoks did not suck, Hurley. Oh, that’s a fight I’m gonna start at a convention that he is at.

Hey i called it earlier…We would see Daniel…i + Drunk = smart!!!

Smoky! Yay! :smiley:
