Lost 5x10 He's Our You

DUDE…Not cool shocking him in the Junk!!! Bad Bad Sawyer!!

That guy is just asking to talk with a german accent

but the southern accent works as well

I was thinking more the Deliverance banjo.

I think we just met someone creepier than Ben

Dug the teepee medicine man.

yea if he is freaky enough that Dharma doesn’t want him to close then something is wrong with him…and the fact that he has restraints already set up on a tree makes me wonder exactly how often Dharma need to torture people

Haven’t we seen this scene before?

Ohh a McCochin call back…

yup…it was just a set up for timeline

ohh great tact there Sayid…call the girl a whore

I don’t think they are keeping him out there. I think he likes the solitude.

Where have we seen that guy before…i know he has been on another show. The torture guy…

Aw, Sayid is trippin’

And now we know why the Hybrids know what they know. They are trippin’ beings from the future.

that is the first time i have ever hear Sayid laugh…kinda creepy

Sawyer you should be thinking…three-way

Juliet and Kate look hot in cover alls

I hope they wrestle again…this time cover in motor oil!!

He was the dollmaker from Blade Runner. And he was Larry from Newhart.

That’s double-BSG cred. :smiley:

Yeah, think of the children – the future hostiles!