Lost 5x06 316

That will explain this then :):slight_smile:

Wow, a flash-forward, then a DI station in the middle of LA. What an opening!

Good point.

Eloise’s Magic Box.

Does that sound dirty? :rolleyes:

'Splain, please.

Was is a light post or lamp post in Narnia?

Exposition…Is it Exposition week?

Well, they didn’t do it on Heroes.

Yea in The Lion The Witch and the Wardrobe and other stories the Lamp post was the one object from our world that was in Narnia. Like this Lamp post is one piece of the island that exists in the real world.

Probably a little less painful with a plane around you. :slight_smile:

Lamppost, I thought.

hmm, of course, Charlie did die for our sins. :smiley:

Heroes is kind of a lost cause by this point, I fear. No amount of exposition will change that…

They have to live through another plane crash!!

Yeah but if they had sped it up and revealed Sylar’s daddy I bet there woulda been some exposition.

Any of y’all ever see Krull? This whole “where the island will be” thing is really reminding me of the Widow of the Web.

Watchmen add!

I loved me some Krull.

Note to self. When going on your flight to the meetup, check the plane for the Oceanic 6.

Almost sounds like the plan to catch the Cosmic Thread to the Nexus in Generations.

I’d make a deposit.

I’m naughty.

And if they are on your flight make sure your shirt is not Red. In fact its better to not wear a shirt. Notice all those who have been shirtless have lived. Which does not bode well for Hurley

Yes and Yes

Well, I’ll be pantsless. Does that count?

Ah, I see.

No doubt, but will it help save the show?

Suh-weet! Definitely one of my guilty pleasures.

At least if they’re there, you’ll probably end up on a magical time-travelling island. :stuck_out_tongue:

John Locke is ASLAN!!!