Yay smokie!!!
Sooooo, Danielle doesn’t recognize Jin later.
In between birthing the babies, of course.
Wait…shouldnt the french be carring white flags instead of guns.
Ooooo, smoke monster and its got blondie.
Ewwww! Lost an arm. Yeah, I’ll say he’s hurt.
And always bare foot.
Holy CRAAAAP! :eek::eek::eek:
Good-bye, Frenchman #2.
well, I guess that’s how Danielle lost her crew.
So Thats what casues Danielle to go nuts…What is that wall??
Mummy’s hand! Make a wish!
Smoke! Plane down.
I guess not.
Oh no! Did she shoot her crew?
Ohh i see it now…
I guess it’s the Temple. :eek:
Wow. Jin is gonna Haunt Danielle…SAWYER!!!
It’s time-travelling fun with Jin.
Hey Sawyer!!
After they went crazy and tried to kill her.
Actually, I’m happy to see that. I’d hate to think that she was the crazy one the whole time.
Aw, The Island is a softee. Wants to bring everyone back together.
Sounds like an obsessive mother. On second thot not a goos thing.
I never thot she was crazy, just cryptic.
Its interesting to see that the frenchies knew that the smoke monster was a security system