Lost 5x02 The Lie

Sun is evil. I’m telling you!!

Get out! Get outta there! Get out!

They’re like Pokemon. Gotta catch 'em all!

I love it when a plan comes together//// Ateam

See, why do they do that?

Ben always has that ‘its all going according to plan’ look.

GAWD! Why would he talk to frakking BEN?!

do u think ben was counting on all the parts falling into place???

see the free HD guy. I would do that for fun.

At the very beginning? That was Dr. Marvin Candle AKA Dr. Chang.

And it wasn’t Sun, since she probably wasn’t even born at the time.

ben is like the cylons, we r supposed to think he/they always have a plan, AND it BIG

They’re friends now.

Huh? I’m so gonna hafta re-watch it tomorrow.

Ooh, new Friday the 13th!!! :slight_smile:

Talos, NO one is friends with Ben.

So, I got kicked off for the whole Hugo and mom scene.

“Crazy ninja moves and spy stuff”

Mom talk. Hugo is in trouble. Aye!

I would be.

Harvey keitel can’t do TV, he can’t swear & he can’t get naked!

Nathan Fillon is on a new series. Yay!!

That was priceless! And how sweet that she said she believed him!

I was thinking the same thing when I first heard about that in the Metro paper.

Considering how he tends to kill all his friends, that’s not surprising.