Losing my Firefly virginity

I think we need to have another frak party. :wink:

I’ll be in my bunk…:o

I’m happy to announce that I made a true firefly convert this past week. on wednesday i told him about it, and pointed him towards firefly on hulu. by thursday he writes this on my fb wall, “I’m up to episode 6, i’m obsessed!!!” and by friday he tells he watched it all, finish serenity the movie at 3am. success!!!

I converted a friend and her whole family. I loaned my dvds to her right before Christmas break. When she returned them to me, she said they had all watched them over the break. Success!

I guess I have run out of friends that have not watched “Firefly”.

Time to make some new friends…

And if they don’t like Firefly they are not your friends. :slight_smile:

Strangely enough, I know someone that was loaned the DVDs and didn’t like the show. The interesting part is that I told my friend that did the loaning that the other guy probably wouldn’t like the show. You can sometimes get that feeling that they aren’t one of us…

I will admit, I was a bit skeptical getting into watching this series. I am sure I am not the only one who thought “it was only on for 1 season, how good can it be???”.
Well, call me “dinner” because I am completely reeled in, hook, line & sinker. The witty banter, the characters, the personalities and the escapades are just hysterical. I found myself laughing to tears a few times now and that’s just finishing disc 2 of the set. The actors work so well together, you’d think they’d been doing this show for years. What I also find surprising is not only do I look forward to watching the next show, I am looking forward to watching this whole set again, just to pick up what I didn’t the first time around.
I am interesed in knowing what episode is people’s favorite. So far, mine is “Our Mrs Reynolds” although "“Jaynestown” was pretty close. Give me a few days, and I am sure I’ll be posting about another. :smiley:

I have now watched them all, along with the movie “Serenity”-ALL AWESOME!! What a incredible show!! I can’t wait to watch them all again. New favorite episode; “War Stories”. The banter between Mal & Wash while being tortured was one of the absolute best scenes in a show ever, and Zoe was her usual amazing self.
I want more!! :frowning:

I have to go with “War Stories,” “Our Mrs. Reynolds” and “Out of Gas” as my favorites.

I just recently finished my second time through the show and it just keeps getting better. Getting to the end of Serenity made me rather sad to be hitting the end so soon. What I liked the second time through is that things that I found flawed in the early episodes (see my reviews/thoughts in the older posts on this thread) seem to disappear. “Shindig,” which was perhaps my least favorite episode before, became something really special the second time around (mostly, I think, because I started watching it through Kaylee’s, rather than Mal’s, eyes).

As to the fandom phenomenon: I find it interesting that Lucky sent me the DVDs (for which I’ve yet to repay him. But I will. I haven’t forgotten, Lucky. I haven’t!) but my wife became perhaps a bigger fan of the show than I have. She’s been through the set at least three times and, while not quoting lines yet, is certainly conversant enough to be able to banter back and forth about them (in bed the other night I said something about the line “mind control? Isn’t that a bit science fiction?” “You live in a spaceship, dear” and she knew EXACTLY what I was talking about and what episode [Objects in Space] it was in. She’s so cool!).

Well somewhere out on the internet is an unaired script draft for “Ep. 15 - Dead or Alive”. It’s not a bad read, but it’s obvious the episode was scrapped and salvaged and largely re-formed into “The Message”. But if you’re desperate, there are a few nice things there.

There are also a couple comics, but I haven’t really been able to get excited about them (except maybe that one that’s supposed to be released about Book’s backstory). I think it’s the art - from what I’ve seen, I don’t care for it.

“Dead or Alive” is posted over at Whedon.info.

Thanks! I will check it out!!