Losing my Firefly virginity

I remember watching the first couple episodes of Firefly during it’s original airing but I totally didn’t get it. Went back to a few years later and since then I’ve watched it like…maybe 3 or 4 times. But at the same time it’s not really one of my favorite shows if I was asked “Hey what’s your favorite shows”

Don’t worry if Jaynestown doesn’t live up to the hype. If it didn’t have that song, I don’t know if it would be as fondly remembered.

I am starting to be that way too. Used to love the show, but recent dealings with fans of the show have pretty much turned me off to being as excited about it as I once was. I’ll watch it if it’s on TV, but the chances of me whipping out my DVD set are pretty slim nowadays.

Quite frankly, I’m tired of seeing the hat.

Oh, by far my favorite part, even more than the song, is seeing Wash drunk. Kaylee and Simon are funny, but Wash is high-larious.

The fascination with the hat is crazy to me, as are the icecream on a string things. Well most of that in regards to any series is absurd.

Except for BSG dog tags which I will be getting a set for myself eventually

Galron Mfg

That is the place I got mine. Much better looking than the others that are being sold out there.

That’s not 1/8 and 1/16th scale is it? What’s it represent and they’re better than the ones at Quantum?

I believe that is thickness.

These don’t have the copyright garbage on the back of them like the ones from QMX do. You can get a nice Colonial Phoenix on the back. They tarnish nicely.

Coo’ coo’

I’m thinking one with Colonial Fleet and one with Miniseries upgrade

I’m sorry I kept you waiting for so long.


It always seems tragic to me when the very people who hold a subject in such high regard can actually turn people away from the very thing they love. I am sorry to hear this as all the stories I am aware of point to Browncoats being a cut above other fan bases. Friendly, inclusive and non-judgmental.

You know what is strange? I am starting to feel the same way about the Leia bikini. It was only a few months ago that I encountered my first one…and now I see pictures of like 50 women in them and I think, “seriously…?”

I want to be wherever Solai is or has been or has been where there are 50 Slave Leia’s walkin’ 'bout.

Dragoncon my friend…I didn’t go, but these pictures keep popping up all over:

Picture replaced with link due to picture size

ComicCon too. I didn’t go to ComicCon, but my TiVo automatically taped a 3 hour live converage special of Day 2 at ComicCon. There were tons of ladies dressed in slave Leia costumes. I’m with Solai on this----too too much.
Me, I’d take Angelina Jollie in a …well…in anything, over Carrie Fisher in a slave outfit anyday.

I see what you mean. The skank alarm is in danger of going off.

You know what is strange? I am starting to feel the same way about the Leia bikini. It was only a few months ago that I encountered my first one…and now I see pictures of like 50 women in them and I think, “seriously…?”

I’ll second that sentiment, Solai. I have no idea what hat everyone’s talking about, but the Leia bikini is, in my opinion, done. Let’s move on!

A few things to remember about fans (or, “Chuck’s boring-ass treatise on fandom”):[ol]
[li]In any large group – be it “America,” “the military,” “the state of [insert your homestate here],” “Star Wars fans” or “Firefly fans” – there will be all types of people: some really nice people, some people who don’t care, some dedicated people, some aholes, some exhibitionists, some givers, and some people who take things too far.[/li][li]Being a “fan” means that one is really, really into a given subject. When most of us get “really into” a given subject, we form strong opinions. This leads me to…[/li][li]A person with strong opinions often ends up disagreeing with others. Factor #1 into this (whatever type of person they and those they disagree with end up being) and you have some crazy situations. For example, disagreeing + really nice people = fun discussion. Disagreeing + person who takes things too far + ahole person they disagree with = forum trolls/flamewar. Mix and match for many possible outcomes. I’ll wait while you have a little fun with it.[/li][li]This isn’t as bad as it sounds because you also need to factor in how you choose to get involved. For example, in the case of the second group in #3, you can avoid that forum – or group of forums – and still enjoy the subject matter. I, for example, don’t enjoy the Skiffy forums though I know that many people here do. They’re not “good” or “bad” – it’s a personal thing. And it’s infinitely granular: one might hate, for example, the Skiffy forum, but find a single thread or PM disucssion that gives them pleasure. Trek fans might recognize this whole concept as similar to IDIC.[/ol]What does all this mean to us? Well, since it only means anything individually, I’ll give you a look at how I personally apply it.[/li]
re: Slave Leia

I’m male and hetero, which means that I find the pics hot. I’ve met exactly one woman in Slave Leia costume, and she was very nice – in no way a “skank” or any of those other words most guys trot out when confronted with “too much” of something they like. I got the feeling that she was a very attractive young lady who was a Star Wars fan and got a bit of an empowering kick out of showing off a bit. Her costume was tasteful – and she spent most of the time wearing a just-as-cool coat over it when it would be inappropriate.

Bottom line: to me whether these costumes are “a good idea” or not depends very much on how the individual wearer feels about what she’s doing. I’d sincerely hope that no one’s being pushed into wearing the costume.

As far as my involvement, I’d go to D*C or other cons (if I could pry myself away from work!), and I’d enjoy seeing a few people in the costume. If there was a “come hang out all night with 50 Slave Leias,” that’d probably be a bit much for me, so I’d pass.

As far as their involvement in general, as long as it’s late enough or separated enough from the kiddie areas and everyone has a choice, I’m not going to try and decide for anyone else what they do.

(I know you didn’t ask about all this, but you’re getting it anyway. Sorry.)

re: Firefly fans

I’ve met a lot of really nice people via Firefly. I’ve met a few a**holes. In either case, they don’t affect my enjoyment of the show – just which events I’d choose to attend in the future. I love Firefly because it has such a realistic economy and because the characters are very “honest” – and because I feel attached to them. No one can change that.

I attended a preview of Serenity and had a kick-ass time. It was a positive experience. I attended CSTS this year, and it was meh. It was pretty disorganized, and a lot of people were pissed off. It didn’t affect me personally (read: I wasn’t pissed off) but being surrounded by some pissed off people took some of the fun out of it. I might or might not do that again next year.

The Browncoat Ball sounds like fun. But I’m not heavily into costume-making or dance, so it sounds like it might not be right for me. So I’ll probably give it a pass.

re: Me in general and YOU

I get my biggest kick sitting around and shooting the bull with other fans. I don’t want to compete with them. So I tend to organize my involvement around that. But as long as YOU do what’s right for you, you’ll have a good time.

I’m just sayin’.

Nicely put, Chuck. :slight_smile:

Had a long post here, just don’t really want to think about this event any further.

However, I will say that I see a lot of philosophies tossed about here on the forums that seem to forget that you will be in situations in which there is not necessarily a way that you can have a good time just because you choose to.

Ok now, listen up. I have a question that’s been nagging me, so I figure on puttin’ to you folks. Is the firefly universe all ONE solar system? If you look at how the Alliance Coreplanets and Outer Worlds are explained in the beginning of the Serenity movie, and also in the introduction that’s at the top of any broadcast episode on SciFi channel, it describes that essentially “Earth got used up” and now humanity basically all lives in a new solar system—one that apparently has a ridiculous number of worlds.

According to the FireFlywiki these are the inhabited planets in Firefly verse: Ariel , Athens , Beaumonde , Bellerophon , Bernadette , Beylix , Boros , CategoryPlanets , DytonColony , Ezra , GeorgiaSystem , Greenleaf , Haven , Hera , HigginsMoon , HomePage , ItaMoon , Jiangyin , KowlanFederalBase , Londinium , Londinum , Miranda , NewCanaan , NewHall , NewMelbourne , Osiris , Paquin , Persephone , Regina , SaintAlbans , Santo , Shadow , SideBar , Sihnon , SilverholdColonies , ThreeHills , Triumph , Verbena , Whitefall.

So that;'s like over 40 planets in one Solar system! I realize there’s a whole thing about teraforming but, still, that’s a lot of fraking planets.
I guess I’ve always watched the show resisting the idea that it’s all one solar system. I’m so used to other sci fi —Star Trek, Star Wars, BSG—where the adventure is an interstellar one—and ships move about via warpdrive, hyperspace, “jumps” etc.
But I guess in FireFly, there really ISN’T any faster than light travel? And ships are just all moving about in one big solar system?

You can actually enjoy Firefly without confronting this dilemma, but eventually my mind is gonna want to come to terms with the idea.
