Just frakkin' awesome

This made my dog flip out.

The new Aflac duck voice!!

Youtube it. d:

When I was a kid I vowed that one day I would own a bat mobile. The dream died along the way, but not for this guy. I saw this out on main street this morning.


The look on that passerby’s face is priceless.

That is so cool! Good on that guy.

That passerby is priceless. She’s my daughter. :slight_smile:

She was telling me there was a note on the seat. I got a shot of it, but I have no idea what it was. A riddle from the riddler maybe?

Those are song titles, so a record perhaps? They’re by different bands.

Oooohhh. It’s probably a homemade cd jacket. I hope he drives with the old batman theme blaring. That’s living the dream.

I saw one being transported on a flatbed truck on a NY highway last year (probably to a car show) and couldn’t stop telling people how my little Pontiac Vibe had smoked the Batmobile on a straightaway. But seriously, I love that car. Hope the “Atomic Turbines” still work.

haha, nice

Written by Damon Lindelof and starring Thor and Orion Girl



Hot women pandering to nerds



Wow. That was pretty awesome.



Just. Damn. OSSIM!!!


Ah. The New World of Leonard Nimoy.

I’ve been meaning to get his five albums on my listening device. Thanks for reminding me.

I’m going to take a moment to pause and state unequivocally this is my favorite thread, on any forum, ever. :smiley:

Even more than the gutter thread?

Be honest.

Honestly, Gutter is hit or miss, mostly hit…but some miss. This thread is consistently awesome. If I am having a bad day this is always my first stop. If I am having a great day this is my first stop. It is freakin’ awesome. Like a hundred billion hotdogs.

