I’m glad you gave this thread a bump so I didn’t have to go looking for it.
I’m gonna try your suggestion noted in post #33 now. Wish me luck.
I set my iPod settings in iTunes to “Manually manage music” and not sync…
Im a bit late in getting in to this thread, but I too must jump on the iPod super geek bandwagon (Not to mention my Mac super geekiness). I have a 60gb 5th gen, an 80gb 5.5 gen and a 1gb shuffle. I use my 80gb for music (Ive actually got about 130gb of music on my Mac), my 60gb for movies and tv shows, and my shuffle for running.
I had a 160gb classic but I sent it back to Apple due to the lack of compatability with 3rd party accessories, such as digital camera adaptors. I love being able to plug my digital camera into my camera adaptor on my ipod and dump my photos to the iPod when on a trip. It basically allows me to take a nearly unlimited amound of photos while on the go.
My daughter wanted to play around with my iPod, and she really got a kick out the Music Quiz game on the iPod. I have a lot of her albums on my iPod, but of course, most of the songs are my music that she doesn’t know. …and there’s probably one or two songs that are inappropriate.
So here’s my question: Is there a way to play the Music Triva game on the iPod such that it only includes songs from a playlist. I’d love it if I could set it up so she can play it with only songs she’s aware of in the quiz.
Doesn’t look like you can…sorry buddy. All or nothing. I just went through my Ipod and it doesn’t appear to be configurable.
Cool. Yeah, I googled and googled all over the place about it. And there’s no way to trick it. Thanks for checking anyway, my friend.
I’l guessing you can probably BUY a more sophisticated music quiz game for the iPod. So maybe I’ll look into that.
So I just made my first single-song centered playlist using Genius. I gotta say, it’s pretty cool. I’ve got a new handy dandy playlist that has songs from some albums that I haven’t listened to yet, and the suggestions on the side bar that I could purchase were cool too. Of course I know that this is “Da Man’s” ploy to snatch more of my husband’s hard earned money from me, but I gotta say, I may one day fall for it. Genius seems to fill the gaps that the “Just for You” suggestions had. Any thots?
My thot is that Genius is a very clever way of legally figuring out exactly what everyone has in their music libraries. I think it is a great tool and an interesting one…but you are basically releasing all your music library information to them in exchange for recommendations.
…I am not usually a conspiracy theorist…I am just calling this the way I see it.
gotta say, I thot the same–creeps me out
Um, Skynet, anyone? You know all the sci-fi writers and conspiracy theorists are wrong, and it’s gonna start with a commercial app instead of the military.
P.S. Has Skynet become the new “Nazis” as far as over-reaching metaphors for evil?
for geeks? absolutely. I have a feeling the general public would go “Huh?”
Heh. I still haven’t used it.
My ipod has opened new horizons for me not the least of which is GWC. I use the Smart Playlists to ensure that songs do not repeat anytime soon.
As for rating songs, I haven’t got the patience for that. I just make sure that the songs that are on my ipod are only songs that I would like to listen to at anytime. That is the extent of my rating - like it or not.
I guess I’ve had a bad experience with iTunes. An update got interrupted and it messed my registry up. Badly. I had to reformat my computer in the end (which actually didn’t work as HP notebooks are terrible) - which led to my changing OS’s.
So maybe I do like iTunes. It introduced me to the wonders of Linux.
So it worked OK as a linux book?
Like a charm. A hateful charm that I had to tweak like crazy but I have had a good experience with Ubuntu. iPod works great, as does everything else.
Yeah, I had some misgivings about Genius, but… It’s interesting to see what it recommends. Some of them are interesting.
Like just now, it paired Radiohead’s “Paranoid Android” with Muse’s “Assassin”. That’s pretty interesting.
(funny how I just merged the two latest topics in this forum)
I have a 3rd Generation iPod Nano that I use for listening to my podcasts and music. I don’t have any way of listening in the car, but from what I understand a lot of people do. What are the different methods/devices that you guys use, and where can I get one?
I find the most reliable method is a tape deck adaptor. (That’s assuming your car has a tape deck—I know a lot of new cars don’t these days.)