




[Do we really need to point out that an article with that headline will contain spoilers for those who haven’t seen Inception? Not to take an argumentative tone here, but why would you click on a headline like that if you haven’t seen the film yet? What were you thinking? You know, it’s just that sort of guileless, blame-everyone-else attitude that’s ruining society. Anyway, go read something else and come back after you’ve actually seen the movie, Baby Huey.]

Michael Caine explains the ending of Inception

Allow me to retort:


You really have to watch the latest South Park episode “Insheeption” on TV. Or if you can’t watch it there, go to to see it!!!
It’s hilarious! :smiley:

Yanks can see it here:

Not only Yanks, also people who use the Modify Headers plug-in for Firefox! :smiley:
But the SPS took too long to load, so I went with the other site.

saw the movie at the dollar theater and best damn buck i ever spent.

very impressrd, i really think ive underestimated nolan i mean we all know he was good with the batman and all. but i occurs to me he just might be the best filmaker at effectivly telling complicated stories of the last ten years. i mean between this and prestige. m just sold on whatever he does next.

to the movie proper. i thougth its matrix done right, or more accuratly; done to something more my taste. less kungfu and crazy talk, more mind twisting awesomeness and charcter development. as for the end i thought it was good.

[spoiler]will it drop? wont it drop? is it real? i would have felt cheated had he answered it[/spoiler]

a lot of this stuff seems to be based on principles of lucid dreaming. something i dabbled with a while a back . so i found it interesting how they twisted it for the movie.

anyhow great movie. think i might drop another dollar to see if missed something?

I did, and was surprised to find out that I missed almost nothing. It’s well crafted in that regard.

Inception in real time


That may have have been the coolest thing I’ve ever seen.

I saw Inception in the theater only a couple weeks ago.

And then more recently I saw Shutter Island on DVD. I amused myself by pretending Shutter Island was a sequel to Inception.

And now it’s time to watch the third movie in the Inception Trilogy : Who’s Eating Gilbert Grape? :smiley:

lolz, this pretty much sums it all up (don’t worry, no spoilers)


I’ve downloaded the Inception app for iPhone (which was developed by the same people who made this movie). Anyone knows what’s going on in this game or how it works? I’m just into the ambient music in it. :cool:

My gods, these could go on forever…and they just get better…


That was hilarious. People come up with the weirdest mash ups.


That’s pretty much what it does. It uses the microphone from your headset and distorts and blends the sounds it recieves with the different tracks from the movie. I dig it like a garden.

Food that makes you go BWAAAAAAAH! The Inception Burrito.