Inauguration Frak Party

I know, a dramatic reading of the newest Amazing Spider-Man (featuring Obama!)

I love that he collects comics. So cool.:cool:

Teamwork will win the day, Thot. :smiley: Remember, there are two “I’s” in IYKWIM.

The instructions from a box of toothpicks, of course. :slight_smile:

There’s a geek in the White House! What a great day for us geeks!

Call it in !!! :smiley:

This is the first time I’ve seen the “Get Ta Steppin” ceremony. Bye George. I didn’t always like you, but you did your best.

He’s the one who bought the Raptor at the BSG auction. It’s going on the White House lawn tomorrow!

Well said.

Hmm…they’re saying on the news now that it was Roberts who screwed up the Oath. Barack knew it and almost smirked.
I thot Barack had messed up, but no.

The new Marine 1!

Congratulations on being the first to IYKWYM comment on the new Pres.

Hitchhiker’s guide reference, nice one Badger.

And Cheney fades into a cloud of mean-spirited obscurity. Going home to kick the dog and yell at passerby.

Heh. I just might. :slight_smile:

If that happens, I’ll be circulating a petition to make Obama President-For-Life!

NOOO, not the girls new dog!

It’s sad, though. In a wheelchair, he can only shoot old men in the groin. :smiley:

I wondered about that since Pres. is such a good speaker.

Maybe Pike can teach him how to keep kids off his lawn.

This was fun. Obama seemed a bit nervous during the swearing in, but he and Roberts got through it. Kinda funny.

No no, it is always a joint effort. And Thot is alphabetically before Top, so that’s how it’ll go in the books!