I found my My Little Pony!!

That doesn’t seem like a very pony-like way to deal with your problems.

What problems?

For the people who are all awkward turtle about MLP:FiM, this might help.

I think he’s talking to you, Shawn.

MLP vs. the World



My Kimmel Ponies



P for Pinketta



The Ponies love Pike’s lawn. NOM NOM NOM.

Confound these ponies!

Also, for the MLP Haters. Yeah, the Onion likes it. Wrap your hipster minds around that.



Omg, I love this thread so hard.

From the appropriately named Overthinkingit.com, the Economy of Equestria.



Gave me a good laugh.

My question is who will deny her three times. d:

Kill Spike



MLP:FiM, the unofficial soundtrack.

T2: Friendship Day



My Little Physics Presentation



That deserves to go on Howlin’ too. Great vid.

I won’t be able to watch them now without thinking they are made of dark matter. d: