I found my My Little Pony!!



Gave me a good laugh.

My question is who will deny her three times. d:

Kill Spike



MLP:FiM, the unofficial soundtrack.

T2: Friendship Day



My Little Physics Presentation



That deserves to go on Howlin’ too. Great vid.

I won’t be able to watch them now without thinking they are made of dark matter. d:

Fluttershy Island



Pony Trek: First Contact



This is interesting. The Hub (the channel that broadcasts MLP:FiM) put out this promo as a shout-out to their internet fans. It’s a silly little video of the kind that MLP fans have been doing themselves, but it specifically references “bronies” and “DJ PON-3” both of which are fan nomenclature that’s not based on the show itself.

It’s nice to see a franchise that appreciates its fans, especially when they’re not the targeted fan base.



You can D/L the MP3 here. A redditor came up with album artwork to use in iTunes and such.

Is there nothing that ponies can’t do? A DeviantArtist came up with some variant rules for Savage Worlds (a role playing game) to create a MLP module. Currently he’s playtesting it and posting transcripts of the sessions.

Ok this is kind of fab and it is great to see that they are appreciative of and actively cultivating their unexpected fan base. But. Um. “No one can groove like the girls with the hooves”? I believe Sean has a catch-phrase for that.

CNN liked it.

So did S.


It’s sort of odd that they encourage it like that. Obviously, people watching on the internet aren’t affecting ratings or ad revenue for the cartoon itself. And how many of the mostly middle-aged men (such as ourselves) are actually going out and buying MLP toys and paraphernalia? It’s got to be gratifying that such a diverse audience is enjoying their work, but it’s certainly not helping the bottom line.

That said, I love this Supernatural themed pic I stumbled across:

That’s the Winchester brothers and [strike]the angel[/strike] The Lord God Castiel, as ponies. :stuck_out_tongue:

Isn’t that what the internet is for? You don’t have to go out (and be seen) to buy it if you want it.

Well, at worst it doesn’t hurt them. But a lot of those adults have kids or nephews or whatever, so they’re probably steering some young eyes in their direction.

That said, there are some sales to adults. Modding the figures into show-only characters has some popularity, for example.

A metaphor for the inherent blindness of facist govenments as expressed in the matriarchal theocra-monarchy of Equestria.



This is how it happens



MLP:FiM composer Daniel Ingram on Studio 4

