Howl with Laughter (SFW)

I can haz shield generator?

I’m picturing giant claws coming in underneath the hangar doors and wiping everyone out.

That video is awesome :slight_smile: There’s a transcript here if people want to check it out without being able to watch the actual video…

This would never work in real life…

How will you know unless you try? :rolleyes:

Trust me. Doesn’t work.



Cthulhu, romance novel hero:

This should probably go in the gutter due to language, but what the heck:




Timmy is a COMMUNIST!!!

oh my frakkin Crom that is awesome

Bwahahaha…rules to live by on FB!

Sourced from I grabbed a larger version of it with Paint Shop Pro’s capture. :smiley:

That definitely made me howl.

What’s Inara’s ship position?

Kaylee should be a blue shirt for Engineering.

Star Trek TOS Engineering is RED…Blue is Sciences…

you may have lost some geek cred there…