Pig Latin!! Hehe
Me too.
Madonna’s pointys
When I was in college, another guy and I went through two cases of Diet Dr Pepper because we couldn’t remember which can had been used as an ashtray. Every time we put one down, we decided not to risk drinking one with butts in it, so we just got another.
Needless to say, our judgment was impaired at the time, but the logic of the moment made sense.
ROFLMsBO!!! can’t breathe!!! laughing too hard!!
NOW we’re starting to see the Hitchcock homages.
“I feel like I’m caught in a web!”
He died from horrible music. I can see that.
Poorly-made American cars.
Nice strong windows, though.
“Get your mind off the Wentworth murder… uh, accident.”
Cloris looks even paler than me.
A Mr. McGuffin!!
That is OSSIM!!
“So modren.”
Mr. MacGuffin! Ha!
Oh no! The shower scene!
OMGs, it’s shot-for-shot! :eek:
LOL!! shower scene!!! LOL!!!
Holy craaap, that was hilarious!
aww, Madeline. Such a loss.
“You’re the cocker’s daughter.”
I love Madeline Kahn! And she’s blonde.
Dr. Joyce!
Dr. Joyce Brothers
“Peepee Envy”