Heroes 4x11 Thanksgiving

This guy with Claire’s mom is annoying.

“In my family, we would go around for what we are thankful.”

Why do people do that right after a fight?

So why wouldn’t Hiro go back to the time he left? Then Samuel wouldn’t miss them at the dinner table.

Ugh! Time travel plot device.

“I’ve already said too much.”

You’re in trouble, bro.

That scene with the Moon is beautiful. Eerie moonlight setting.

Aw Cain, you just killed your brother Abel.

Yay! CHUCK is back!!

“Do you think this is gonna blow over?”

Nice Claire.

I didn’t saw that coming. ( sarcastic )
And if she was down with changing the past to save Joseph. Why didnèt she do it.

Claire is great at thanksgiving! Chop Chop

The Carnivale is the “drunk” family. Yeah, that makes sense.

Sylar reborn! That was ossim!!

Then he sits down for dinner. HA!

I LOVE that return!

Thank God the Man is back in the House. And let’s be logical :wink: he’s out for blood.

And Peter has his powers. Should be epic.

Mmmmm…pumpkin pie. Yummy.

“Traitor in our midst.”

Does he/she drink from your glass?

Hiro, Charlie is dead. That’s my guess.

If Hiro is doing all this time travel, why doesn’t he just go back and save Charlie? I’m not gonna nitpick, Sylar is having fun.

“Time to carve the turkey.”


Aw man, I was hoping Peter would fight Sylar instead of the inner Nathan.

Ok, a new two-face variation. Interesting.

Edgar is becoming an interesting character and Hiro is growing a pair.

This is ridiculous. Claire was right. She’s gonna go back to college for girlfriend?