Heroes 4x07 Strange Attractors

I’m even tired of Sylar/Parkman. This was done best with Crichton and Scorpy-in-head.

Six and Baltar was entirely different.

If only…more like every leap year.

Crighton and Scorpy I did not think of it that way.

Oh no! Not Mohinder!

Ha ha Sylar just did a Moheinder impression.

And Matt is getting Sylar drunk.

Huh? That’s how I control my demons also.

But i have a feeling that Sylar is playing Matt

He is Cheerleader #2. H.S. that is.

Kid: “Who am I going to live with?”

HRG: “Close to me”

Kid: “Can I live with the hot wet blonde?”

Dont go towards the scary sounds. Always go away from the sound. Stupid stupid girls. I hope you die.

I still don’t trust Claire’s stalker girl. Even though they explained it was Head Soroity girl.

I think she was just a gay red herring.

Yeah. Wasn’t too hard to figure out that was gonna happen.

Why are there so many people around. Its almost like he is OJ

The melodrama is a bit much. UGH! We hardly know this kid.

What would be interesting is if she saves Claire from Carnival crew with her yet-to-be-revealed power. But you’re probably right.

Are superpowers revealed to the public?

No one realizes that this kid just touched the guy and he died.

No super powers are not public. I think they suspect this kids is odd. Kinda witchhunty like. Did the cops just drop the kid on the edge of town and told him to leave. Wasn’t that what he was trying to do in the first place.

Nope they chained him to a truck and dragged him. Well, that was quick. Bye emo.

Oh the wife did the dumb thing. When i have a friend who i know has super powers tells me to leave or else he might kill me then i will listen to him.