Heroes 4x01 Orientation

Earthbender? :stuck_out_tongue:

I know. That scene reminded me so much of Buffy.

Wow Peter was on the screen and i didnt want him dead. Thats a plus

Maybe she reminds you of all the women that you aggravate every day…?

I keed! I keed! :stuck_out_tongue:

Wow even when you do not know what they are saying big sis sounds very angry.

You may need a Hero for that comment. :slight_smile:

I wasn’t going to watch anymore… but here I am.

Poor Claire has the most annoying roommate ever. Wow.

Terribly, due to the last 10 minutes of the last episode. Sigh.

She’s Hiro’s sister, right? I don’t think we’ve seen her since S1.

The prof is reading PPZ! :slight_smile:

She is sis and boss lady since dad died.

That is an entirely unrealistic view of how college courses meet attendance caps or not. Ugh.

I love it…awesome shout out!!

I thot I’d seen her before in a movie, but I checked and no. I think she reminded me of Yuki from Kill Bill.

The Adventures of Andi and Hiro are always awesome…

Pull the trigger on this operation. That does not sound good.

At least Bryan Fuller is a still a consultant

Plan!?! What plan? They have a plan!?! Oh no a plan!!

I guess they’re not going to pretend that last season didn’t happen.

So much for redemption. :frowning:

Scary isn’t it. Plans are never good.

That’s right Sylar is Nathan.

Shes in the Frakking Car!!

Dude…noah…Gun + bullet + Window = Not Drowning