Heroes 3x25 An Invisible Thread

Hello all again.

Yay Leah! Another frak party hehe :slight_smile: at this rate you’ll make 4000 in no time!

'ello Leah. So how did that truck not spot them earlier.

Who did Claire’s hair? Romulan High Command? :rolleyes:

They so Zorro and Lone Ranger’d that!

Last week on Lone Ranger we saw Silver go over the cliff. This week Silver and Ranger jump the ravine!

Then I’ll be all lonely in the 3000 range!

Bye bye Danko. You isa gonnna die.

Yeah, that hurt :wink:

Yea - it’s pretty crappy.

She’s trying to relate to Quinto’s Spock hair :wink:

I will be seeing you on the same line again soon.

Wow. Sylar is having fun with his powers. Thats pretty much how i would use TK. 'cept without all the killing and all.

Passing Danko off as the shapeshifter. Classy.

since when are they allowed to say sob on broadcast tv?

Dudes - Sylar is bad. You should never have let him out!

Syler is really mean again. I love it.

Then ST ad. Cool!

well. i guess i was wrong. Sylar likes the psylogical punishment much better.

TREK PREVIEW! I so want to buy my tickets. Like now.

Star Trek. Star Trek. Star Trek!

At least, not at first. :smiley:

Since its after 9pm