Heroes 3x20 Cold Snap

So who was the first to call Micah ‘Rebel’? I know I did a few weeks back but not sure if anyone else had that theory.

Ski resorts and other fun places…

Yea i have been thinkng it pretty much from the first time we saw him do more than aq text message

Well, you are up on me, I completely forgot about Micah until now.

They’ve been doing that trick alot this season. About to get someone and poof a hero saves them. It’s getting old.

Peter, you’re such a stud this season. And I love that they sent such a huge detail after Angela. Did they send that many after Sylar? Hee.

So does peters power have to be touching Skin to Skin or does he have the ability to pick and choose his power.

It had to be him or the lady who could control computers. She died the first year but the comics had her in a satellite. So M. had to be it.

The first time they did…and he kinda killed almost all of them.

Sending that many after Sylar wuill just get that many killed. And they normally do send a lot of people when the SWAT team is involved.

I though Molly might be helping him too since she can find people anywhere and he could then help them

Ok so there is only one more Clone/Baby left alive of that breed right…or is she finally off the show

So now Matt can fly.

I think you’re right. There is one more.

Parkman can fly?

ok that answered that…Wait. How was he flying…or did…i am confused…

Gotta be some sort of dreammm…ahh yea…thats it,

No just a dream.

I was wrong. Sad ending, I really liked Daphne.

That was much better…

“So what do you want to do now?”

What we do every night Peter. Try to take over the world.