Heroes 3x19 Shades of Gray

So she can fall in love with the other geek who works in the comic book store when he calls her out for being a beeotch…then gets emo and runs away when the comic book store burns down.

Is Sylar’s dad trying to teach him morality?

Nahhh hes playing him

Poor bunny!

He played the Devil in some show several years ago, so I guess all evil is his child. :slight_smile:

I don’t think her brain is what’s going to be most helpful. :stuck_out_tongue:

Odd way of going about it, if he is.

Kill da Wabbit! Kill da Wabbit! :smiley:

She has a brain???

That looks pretty frakkin’ sweet, retcons and all. :slight_smile:

It’s acutally the most disturbing thing Sylar has done.

Hmmmmm…my attempt at a play on “I can kill you with my brain” flopped…

Haven’t we already seen it? :wink:

Ohh wait…Sylar poked at it for a bit…hehe

Not sure how I feel about the sex scene though.

Ok we have gone way to long without seeing Hiro and Ando

Wow that was a pointless conversation

I’m all for it, really. Let’s face it, it’s an established fact that James T. Kirk got around, to put it mildly. In the '60s, they couldn’t really show that, certainly not on TV. Now, the implications and innuendos aren’t necessary.

Today’s lesson boys and girls - don’t piss off Mama Petrelli.

Mrs. P. has good intel

I was refering to Claire and Daddy

See…told ya he was being played